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What type of wine do you prefer?
What type of wine do you prefer?
Just so we are on the same page, what would you consider your wine knowledge level to be?
Just so we are on the same page, what would you consider your wine knowledge level to be?
All I know is that I like it
I know some things but would love to learn more
My friends are always texting me about what wine to get
How adventurous are you when it comes to trying new things?
How adventurous are you when it comes to trying new things?
I’m vanilla as they come
Every once in a while I’ll take a chance
Exotic people, places, and things… Sign me up!
It’s a weekend night and you are heading to your friends house for dinner.
You stop and buy a bottle of wine to share with them, how much would you likely spend on a bottle?
It’s a weekend night and you are heading to your friends house for dinner. You stop at your local wine store to buy a bottle of wine to share with them, how much would you likely spend on a bottle?
$15 – $25
$25 – $35
$45 – $60
$75 +
How do you like your coffee?
(This indicates your preference for tannins)
How do you like your coffee? (This indicates your preference for tannins)
Black/ Dark Roast
Black/ Medium Roast
With Cream and/or Sugar
When you watch a movie, how much butter do you like on your popcorn?
(This indicates your oak preference)
When you watch a movie, how much butter do you like on your popcorn? (This indicates your oak preference)
Just a little bit, so I can barely taste it
A good amount
I like my popcorn swimming in butter
How do you like your coffee?
(This indicates your preference for tannins)
How do you like your coffee? (This indicates your preference for tannins)
Black/ Dark Roast
Black/ Medium Roast
With Cream and/or Sugar
Are you a berry lover?
(This indicates how fruit forward you like your wine)
Are you a berry lover? (This indicates how fruit forward you like your wine)
I love all berries and eat them all the time
I like berries, especially in desert and jams
Not a big fan of berries but I will eat them occasionally
How salty do you like your food?
(This indicates how much minerality you may like in your wine)
How salty do you like your food? (This indicates how much minerality you may like in your wine)
I love salt and add it to everything
I like my food seasoned but don’t want to notice it
I could take it or leave it
Are you a berry lover?
(This indicates how fruit forward you like your wine)
Are you a berry lover? (This indicates how fruit forward you like your wine)
I love all berries and eat them all the time
I like berries, especially in desert and jams
Not a big fan of berries but I will eat them occasionally
Do you like earthy flavors like mushrooms and tea?
(This indicates how savory you like your wine)
Do you like earthy flavors like mushrooms and tea? (This indicates how savory you like your wine)
I crave earthy flavors
I enjoy earthy flavors but not too much
What kind of fruit do you like?
(This indicates what wine regions you may prefer)
What kind of fruit do you like? (This indicates what wine regions you may prefer)
Citrus (Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit)
Orchard (Apples, Pears, Peaches)
Tropical (Passion Fruit, Mango, Pineapple)
How salty do you like your food?
(This indicates how much minerality you may like in your wine)
How salty do you like your food? (This indicates how much minerality you may like in your wine)
I love salt and add it to everything
I like my food seasoned but don’t want to notice it
I could take it or leave it
Your results will help you choose your next favorite wine when you stop by 750ml’s wine boutique. It usually takes about five minutes for your results to arrive in your inbox.
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